For other Gomez fans, near and far
They're back! Well, three of Gomez are in town. We trucked down to Denver for the in-store performance at Twist & Shout in Denver. Nice show. Ian, Tom, and Ben traded lead singing duties on new songs from their forthcoming record. My sweetie was sure we've heard "See The World" before but I couldn't figure out where. We were way in the back of the store and missed all the between-song banter because no one really spoke into their mic. But it was nice for my daughter to get a chance to see them again.
Tonight we'll hear everything at etown, the radio program where they will be featured for the second time, with Zemog el Gallo Bueno (Zemog is Gomez backward), a new Latin hybrid rock band. At their first one (which is in their archives if you register), Gomez did an amazing version of the Talking Heads' "Road to Nowhere." Ian seemed simultaneously out of control and brilliant, the very definition of a rock star, no?
They're also going to be at Boulder's KBCO to record a Studio C session sometime after noon today (MST, which is GST -7 hrs). From this page you can get to the live webcast.
I would post all this silliness on Gomez' new web site, but I have only been able to get to it once. Usually the server times out before I can get on the board. Grrrr.
The other news I've been wanting to post is that I think we have a venue for the end-o'-April "listening party" for their new album, How We Operate, which is scheduled to release on May 2 on ATO Records (Dave Matthews' label).