Friday, October 06, 2006

Wait -- Who's The Queen?

At the wedding this weekend I reported a cute thing my daughter said to one of the cousins.

"I'm going to marry the Queen! I'm going to marry the Queen! I'm going to marry the Queen! Wait -- who's the Queen?"

I thought that was so funny.

The cousin said, "King! You mean King! And preferably a wealthy one!"

I just looked at her. We both shook our heads.

It's so sad that she can't see anything sweet or funny about that. As it happens, I have a feeling our daughter will pick someone of the opposite sex, whether Prince or puppeteer. She's more curious that way. But who am I to say what she should do? Who is my cousin to say that people who choose people of the same sex are doing something wrong? I have seen otherwise. Perhaps she never has.


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