Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Blown away

OK, do you want to know what news really rocked my world yesterday? It is this: Gomez quit smoking the jumpin’ jive leaf. They no longer imbibe.

I have two projects I need to be working on, besides the list of house and garden projects. One is the proposal for the fan film. The other is the Madonna project. The Madonna book outline needs fleshing out. I could spend a couple of hours a day at the library. I’d make it today if I left now – and get to work out. Some themes central to reinvention that I can think about and research today:
Social mobility
Sexual roles
Social roles
Identity and discovery, both of self and at a group level
Empowerment – to be you no matter what? to say what you mean, the way you want to say it

I also need to start figuring out how to find the people I will interview. Check out Pamela des Barres’ book. And Madonna’s (& I don't mean the children's books).

(Way to avoid the topic, girl.)


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