Sunday, September 11, 2005

Here comes the neighborhood

It's all purple!

Today we spent some time outside in the yard planting and weeding and puttering. Neighbors all came around and said nice things. Even one of the kids across the street yelled, "I like the color you painted your house! It's awesome!" And of course it took me a whole minute to think of a good response: "It's proof that you really can do whatever you want when you're a grown-up!" I do like knowing the kids approve, though. And the neighbors are being so kind about it! I think it's pretty fabulous.

Still lots more to do: a couple of sides need another coat; lots of painting on the eaves remains; and touching up will go on. And until we wash our windows (a royal pain), it won't really feel complete.

But it feels like painting our house has unblocked us. I am enjoying how painting has made us work harder and get into shape. It makes me want to do more projects. Of course, it helps that our daughter is old enough to play more independently now. We couldn't have done this one year ago.

We couldn't have done this without my in-laws, either. What amazing, giving people. And so hardworking!



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