Tuesday, January 17, 2006


It is fine to be working again. I have had small-child work for so long and now it's getting so rewarding to be with her and talk with her and play together. I have gotten used to having my own time and our time and have had this reluctance to give that up by working for others.

Then, I found something I liked working for. That's fun. And it is just working itself into our lives instead of being this big deal. So far, so good.

And I just asked for extra help with a huge part of the project -- and I think I pulled it off! I'm excited that I can bring that to the party! Now I just have to come up with the 20 volunteers. Let's see, five of the neighbors, our pals in the 'mont, and the rest of us who love great food and know it when we taste it....

Sunday, January 08, 2006

When in doubt, add more color

It's the best advice I have heard all year. I'm telling you, color is really having its effects on my world. I painted myself purple -- what a hilarious slip of the mind -- I mean I painted my house purple. Suddenly here I am in the right place at the right time to edit and publish a film festival program guide. Coincidence? I think not!

So whom could I ask to be the program guide's publishers? A private consortium of anonymous donors who love film? Could there be a mutually beneficial and yet totally democratic way to do it without greed or graft, with people who simply welcome the opportunity to put some money into the festival as a community service? Surely you've already thought of this, or maybe not, in which case we must act fast!

Perhaps it's time for a plea to a few film-friendly pals of mine, to see what I can bring to the party. That would be fun. And throw a surprise launch party for it? With DJ and light show? Wooohoo!